Home Learning

Home learning is tasks that are set to be completed outside of the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study, in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. At Livingstone Academy Bournemouth, we recognise the positive benefits that completing regular, valuable home learning can provide and are committed to extending the teaching of our subjects outside of the classroom.

Home learning is important in raising pupil achievement, and should enhance pupil learning opportunities. The Education Endowment Fund underlines in its research how the regular setting of meaningful home learning tasks can result in additional progress for secondary pupils (+5 months). 

“Home learning is not an optional extra, but an essential part of a good education.” – EEF

Key Stage Home Learning

  • In Key Stage 1 and 2, pupils are given regular home learning in the form of reading, phonics and online platforms. Follow this link to find out more.
  • In Key Stage 3, pupils are given regular home learning in the form of online platforms in Reading, English, Maths and Science. Follow this link to find out more.
  • In Key Stage 4, pupils are given regular home learning in the form of self-quizzing (retrieval  practice), deliberate practice and online platforms. Our aim is to support pupils in building good learning habits and routines around home learning and to embed learning from lessons to contribute to future learning. Follow this link to find out more.

Online Platforms

Links to log-in pages

Supporting pupils with home learning

We are conscious that some pupils may find home learning stressful and want to work with families to support pupils with accessing and being successful with their home learning. Parents or carers should contact the Academy if they have any worries and concerns.

We run a Home Learning club after school on Mondays from 3-4pm in which pupils will have a focused space to complete some of their assigned work.

Achievement points will be rewarded by advisors for Sparx Reader and class teachers for English, Maths and Science for pupils who complete their home learning.

The Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning will be celebrating pupils who are going above and beyond with their home learning and this will form part of the weekly bulletin.

At key stage 4, teachers will make use of Arbor to set their deliberate practice assignments and deadlines, supporting parents/carers at home.

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