How can I contact your SEND Team?

You can reach our SEND team by contacting the school office or via email:

  • Mrs Hayley Betteridge (Assistant Principal – Inclusion)
How do you know a student has special EDUCATIONAL Needs?

Young people with SEND are identified and assessed using; information passed on
from primary schools, whole school literacy screenings in years 7-9, diagnostic
assessments, individual assessments for access arrangements as well as referrals from teachers, pastoral leads, teaching assistants, parents and students.
If it is deemed that the Livingstone Academy Bournemouth is an appropriate placement for a child with special needs, meetings with feeder primary schools are typically held in the Spring or Summer term of Year 6. Any needs that have already been identified are discussed and appropriate provision planned.

For children with an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan), the SENCO will endeavour to attend a transition meeting as part of their annual review process whilst they are in Year 6.

Our SEND Policy can be found here.

Our SEN Information Report can be found here. 

How is learning supported at LAB

Staff at Livingstone Academy will provide quality first teaching through a multi-tier system of supports. Information is shared with staff supporting individual students, in the form of provision maps/one page profiles and we work collaboratively with our pastoral leads and outside agencies to offer holistic support.

Diversity, equity and inclusion is valued and respected in our school. The school has  an Accessibility Plan in place and all staff are expected to make themselves aware  of the requirements of the Equality Act (2010), ensuring that both policy and practice  is followed.

Livingstone Academy provides support for young people across the 4 areas of need
as laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs
What is a multi-tier system of supports (MTSS)?

MTSS is very similar to what is known as a “graduated response” but it is more comprehensive.  It designed to help schools identify struggling students early and intervene quickly.

MTSS focuses on the “whole child.” That means it supports academic growth, but many other areas, too. These include behaviour, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism.
The tiers of support are a huge part of MTSS. They get more intense from one level to the next. For example, a child getting small group interventions may need to “move up” to one-on-one help.

MTSS isn’t a specific curriculum. It’s a proactive approach that has key elements:

  • Universal screening for all students early in each school year
  • Increasing levels of targeted support for those who are struggling
  • Integrated plans that address students’ academic, behavioural, social, and emotional needs
  • A school-wide approach to student support, with teachers and other specialists working as a team to assess students and plan interventions.
  • Professional development so staff can provide interventions and monitor progress
  • Family involvement so parents and caregivers can understand the interventions and
    give support at home
  • Frequent monitoring of students’ progress to help decide if they need more
  • The use of evidence-based strategies at every tier of support
How will both you and I know  how my child is doing and  how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

As well as having an open-door policy,  we have a digital parent portal where you can see information about your students’ target goals,  teacher feedback on work and indication of effort. Student-led conferences are held termly alongside student learning exhibitions. Progress reports are produced in December and comprehensive written reports at the end of each academic year.

In addition to this, interventions are monitored and their impact assessed, enabling  adjustments to be made as necessary to target individual need and support.

If a child has an EHCP, there will also be an annual review to which parents, staff, external  agencies, and the student will be invited to contribute.

What support is there for mental health and wellbeing?

Livingstone Academy uses proven approaches for positive school culture and  embracing student agency. We ensure that students have a voice through  operating an open policy with regards to them independently accessing help  or advice from key adults. Students also have a school council  and student voice groups who are able to put ideas and concerns forward with staff.

As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we also deliver PHSCE either as single  lessons or as themed days, alongside team building school community projects and  service learning opportunities. Moreover, every teacher has an assigned pastoral role  so that there is a consistent member of staff and peers that engage in wellbeing  awareness and activities in school.

For further wellbeing assistance we are supported by outside agencies such as  CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service), GPs, MHST (Mental Health  in Schools Teams) and other health professionals

What specialist services and  expertise are available at, or  accessed by, the school?

LAB is a new school and our internal SEN expertise is still growing, however, we do have relationships with professionals in health, social  care and local services.

We can refer to outside agencies such as Virtual Schools, the Educational  Psychologist, Equilibrium, Speech and Language Therapists,  Hearing and Vision Support Services, Occupational Therapy and the Paediatric Team  (following a student referral from their GP).

What training do staff have?

Our training offer is assessed annually to ensure that we are up to date and equipped to  support neurodiversity in our school.

All members of staff who are involved in supporting a  vulnerable student are invited to organised training offered by outside agencies,  such as the Brain Injury Team, Vision and Hearing support services. Individual training  is also offered to key members of staff as needed, such as those undertaking manual  and equipment handling, intimate care and occupational or physiotherapy needs.  Annual safeguarding training is attended annually by all members of staff.

The SENCO is seeking the National Award for SENCO qualification. Our learning support staff attend regular training according to the interventions  that they deliver and the roles that they carry out.

How are the school’s resources  allocated and matched to  young people’s special  educational needs?

The Academy receives a budget allocated in response to the higher SEND needs of  individual students at the school. The majority of the funding will be spent on  awareness training and upskilling teaching and support staff and resources for all. The allocation of their time is agreed by the SENCO and other senior staff. Consideration is given to what support may be appropriate at any given time and to  the student’s views on this provision. Budgets are closely monitored and aligned to  the School Improvement Plan.

How is the decision made  about what type and how  much support my child/young  person will receive?

Working with the student and staff, assessment data is used by the SENCO to  consider the course of provision that will best match a student’s needs.

The SENCO oversees all additional support and regularly updates other members of  the senior leadership team. All students with an EHCP will have appropriate support  to work towards achieving the agreed outcomes as laid out in their plan.

Students’ progress is continually monitored and reviewed at review meetings and any  changes to support will be agreed and implemented if needed. Progress will be  measured termly, with key staff reviewing agreed outcomes and academic progress.  The student, parents and other professionals involved in provision for the student are  requested to share their views at annual review meetings for students with an EHCP.  Parent evenings throughout the year provide additional opportunities for progress to  be shared with all students and parents.

How are parents involved in  the school?

The Academy believes in developing strong and lasting relationships with parents to  support a young person’s learning, needs and aspirations. Parents are encouraged  to contact staff by telephone or email whenever they need and are also invited to  formal meetings throughout the year to discuss progress and amend provision where  necessary. Where appropriate, working groups will be arranged to review SEND  provision and parents are welcome to join this.

What Facilities are provided to help all pupils access the academy?

The academy has been built to be fully accessible for all pupils with any disability. This includes ramp entrances, lifts, width of corridors, classroom spaces, adjustable furniture, hearing loops installed and sound proofing.

Who can I contact for more  information?

In the first instance, parents/carers are always encouraged to talk to their child’s  teacher. 

The following organisations also offer information and support for students with  specific SEND: 

▪ BCP offers impartial and independent information, advice and support to parents of  children with SEND and can be found at SENDiass4BCP 

▪ The British Dyslexia Association – 

▪ The National Autistic Society – 

▪ Community Wessex – 

Please visit the BCP website to view the Local Offer


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