At Livingstone Academy, we recognise that industries and businesses are having to continually adapt to the many local, national and often global considerations of running a modern and successful organisation not least of all in areas such as economics, competition, technology, climate awareness, social fairness and accountability, equality, safety and employee well-being. We understand that their success, or indeed failure, is inextricably linked to the quality of their recruitment process and subsequent training of its employees, and see that industry is consistently vocal in challenging the education sector to better equip students for employment in today’s fast-paced digital world. 

Our aim at Livingstone is to meet this challenge by developing challenging and engaging learning experiences in collaboration with employers, alongside providing Impartial Information, Advice and Guidance (IIAG) across the Academy. 

Across the Academy, we actively promote the development and knowledge of transferable skills within and between subject areas and cultivate the attributes employers seek in the 21st century such as productivity, accountability and resilience.  We also develop cross-curricular structures and opportunities to help students understand more about the world of work, gain exposure to employees across a range of different industries and employers, and understand how to access careers and courses at a variety of levels. 

In the latter years of their schooling, we guide students with further careers and course information, promoting self-reflection and self-understanding as they explore different career pathways. We also endeavour to help students with application and interview techniques at this later stage. 

We use the Gatsby Targets in unison with the Compass Tool to evaluate our programme to ensure it meets the required standards.

How to get involved

If you are an employer or provider of further education and would like to co-create real-world learning experiences for our students and or present to students about your opportunities, please contact our Vice Principal, Jennifer Warr (


Where next

Our CODE to Innovative Learning

All learning is hybrid.  We understand that learning is not rooted in a specific time or place.  For humans, learning happens all of the time,…

Our CODE to Innovative Learning

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