Please see here our Year 7 Transition Handbook.
Here at LAB, we have introduced our unique Year 7 model: merging the best of primary with the best of secondary.
Merging the best practice from Primary education with the best of Secondary, we have created an innovative model in Key Stage 3 to positively impact our pupils and staff.
We have created a Year 7 base of 5 classrooms where pupils have a stable and constant floor in the academy. The children remain with one teacher for their English, Maths, Humanities, Creator Space and Personal Development & Wellbeing lessons, totalling 14 out of the 25 timetabled sessions each week. Because of this, the pupils and teachers are able to build strong relationships with the pupils and really get to know each child, ensuring a softer, more successful transition from primary school to secondary.
For their remaining 11 periods, the Year 7 pupils then study science, PE, Technology, Spanish, Computing, Music and Art with the specialist teachers.
We fully appreciate and recognise that some things will be different for when students join us at Livingstone Academy and that change can be both daunting and exciting. In support, we have developed a fully inclusive transition programme to help encourage students and their families to think about those changes and to provide them with useful information that will help everyone to feel more comfortable and confident with their secondary school transition.
Transition Timeline:
To prepare you and your child for joining us here at Livingstone Academy, here is a rough timeline of what to expect:
3rd March 2025:
- Your school offer will be sent to you via email from BCP outlining which school setting you have been allocated.
March-April 2025:
- We will make initial contact with you via email to outline the next steps, processes and key information.
- Throughout this period, you will receive the information you need to start the process of transition.
June 2025:
- Staff from Livingstone Academy meet with staff from your child’s current school for handover information.
- Additional SEND Transition Morning for identified pupils with additional needs. A separate letter will be sent to invited pupils.
- Y7 Transition Information Evening for pupils and parents. Please arrive at the front entrance of the secondary building on the corner of Stafford Road and Madeira Road. On this evening, your child will find out which house and advisory group they are in.
- Transition day for Y7 pupils. The academy gates on Madeira Road will be opened at 8:50am for a 9:00am start. Pupils will enter the main hall for an assembly with the leadership team before heading to their advisory groups for a day of orienteering, taster sessions and ‘get to know you’ activities. The day will end at 2:45pm and pupils will be dismissed from the academy gates on Madeira Road. Your child will need to wear their current school PE kit and bring a packed lunch on this day.
Wednesday 3rd September 2025:
First day of term for Year 7 pupils only. The academy gates on Madeira Road will be opened at 8:15am for a 8:30am start.
This will allow our pupils a soft start to the term, exploring the academy and getting used to their timetables with no other year groups in the building. Biometrics will be set up on this day so, as long as you have loaded money to their account, pupils will be able to purchase food from this day forward.