It is with great pride that I introduce myself and welcome you as the Principal of Livingstone Academy, an innovative, forward thinking and diverse community.
Here, we pride ourselves on thinking outside the box to provide the best education for our pupils to achieve our vision:
‘To empower future generations to follow their dreams and to build a society of which we can all be proud.’
As an Aspirations Academy, our Guiding Principles of Self-worth, Engagement and Purpose are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make.
Self-worth is built through:
- Giving and receiving compassion and respect;
- Being valued for who you are and being part of a team, belonging in our community;
- Having role models and being rewarded for effort, attitude and perseverance;
- Being held to the highest standard: having people that spot your potential and care enough to hold you to it.
Engagement is shown through:
- Having a curious mindset and wanting to know more;
- Being present in the moment and taking each opportunity as a potential to grow;
- Persistence and resilience – relishing a challenge.
Purpose is evident when:
- We have an internal motivation and drive to be better than we were yesterday;
- We take responsibility for our choices;
- We have the opportunity to lead.
At Livingstone Academy, we are an academy that not only provides an excellent education and high academic achievement, but goes the extra mile to best prepare our pupils for an ever-changing world.
Livingstone Academy will:
- Empower each individual pupil with the knowledge, skills and character they need to play an active and successful role in an ever-changing world.
- Deliver an innovative, authentic and engaging curriculum, in which every pupil can thrive.
Livingstone Academy pupils will:
- Stand out among their peers.
- Be knowledgeable and articulate communicators, who can work successfully in collaboration and independently.
- Be creative and critical thinkers who, when faced with a problem, have the confidence and skill to tackle it.
We look forward to welcoming you to our academy.
Mr Tharme, Principal