Food Technology Letter

Weekly cooking schedule:

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9

Recipe Booklets:

Year 7 Recipe Booklet
Year 8 Recipe Booklet
Year 9 Recipe Booklet

We understand the demands of everyday life can sometimes make it challenging to ensure your child has all the necessary ingredients for Food Technology lessons. To alleviate this burden, we’re pleased to let you know that Livingstone Academy provides all ingredients for all pupils participating in Food Technology lessons. 

A £25 charge for each year is made to cover the costs of those ingredients. This payment can be made in full now or in instalments of £10 now, a further £10 after Christmas and a final payment of £5 in the summer term. The charge will be added to your parent pay account and can be paid electronically by logging into your account. Please note that we have no provision to accept cash. We believe this initiative will not only simplify your lives but also ensure that all children have access to high-quality ingredients for their lessons. We have calculated that this payment equates to £3.13 per food tech lesson.

If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies, please inform us promptly by completing the Google form here: 

Dietary requirements for Food Technology Lessons

This will ensure that we can accommodate their needs effectively. If you do not wish us to provide ingredients for your child, please could you let us know on the form, so that we can factor this into our buying schedule and update our records to ensure that you are not chased for payment. In this case, please could you make sure that your child comes to school with the correct ingredients each time they are cooking. 

If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you are happy for us to provide the ingredients and we will expect payment. This is an all or nothing situation, if we find ourselves topping up your child’s ingredients we will have to charge you for the whole term.

Finally, please could you send your child into school with an appropriate container to take their cooking home with them. We do not supply containers in school as the cost would be prohibitive. If your child does not have a suitable container then they may not be allowed to cook and may incur behaviour sanctions for not completing homework, in addition, you will still be charged for the ingredients.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we implement this new service. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Food Technology Department.

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